I decided to write a blog for some reason I cannot fathom. The minute you think you have something worthy to say many people will chime in and tell you otherwise. I think it is more than anything a mental outlet of sorts; and I have often thought I sound much more intelligent on the printed page rather than in person. Maybe this is another one of my delusions of grandeur and this blog will just serve as confirmation of what most people already think of me, but so be it. I titled it “Idyllic Ramblings” I guess for the reason that the definition of “idyll” according to Merriam-Webster is “..a simple descriptive work in poetry or prose that deals with rustic life or pastoral scenes or suggests a mood of peace and contentment.” So far so good…I think the words “simple” and “a mood of peace and contentment” are fairly good descriptions of my personality. The definition of “idyllic” is “…pleasing or picturesque in natural simplicity.” The pleasing part is I guess mainly to me since it will probably bring me more joy than the unfortunate souls that may stumble across it. The word rambling is probably more apropos for anything I would write on my blog since it is defined as “…to move aimlessly from place to place” and “…to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion”. If you stay tuned to my blog I will promise that I will move aimlessly from subject to subject and my wife and children can readily attest to the fact that I am verbose in both speech and in my written word. Brevity is not something I have been blessed with, but still waters run deep.
I will likely write about various topics that I find of interest or even those that I find totally disinteresting and downright tedious. My only request is that you not take me too seriously as my tongue is typically planted firmly in my cheek, and also keep in mind that if I ask a rhetorical question or ask you to ponder a spiritual truth it is probably because the Lord has convicted me of being guilty of the very thing which I am rambling on about. So the journey begins…
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